Complimentary Biscuits – the thing that started it all

Complimentary Biscuits - handmade biscuit pin badges - Jammy Dodger

Complimentary Biscuits – the thing that started it all

How do you like your biscuits? Dunked in tea? Covered in chocolate? I like mine with glitter.

Let me explain. Before Trixy Pix was even a thing, I had the idea to create wedding favours for my own wedding. I wanted something personal, fun, pretty, and meaningful for each guest. And lots of glitter.

I created ‘Complimentary Biscuits’ – essentially our family’s favourite biscuits turned into pin badges that the guests could keep and wear. To personalise these further, I designed backing cards with unique compliments for each guest. It was a lot of work, but the favours went down a treat.

After making 70+ badges, I began to wonder, what else could I turn into miniature and cover in glitter? As it turns out, pretty much anything. My style is pretty, glittery, fun, bookish, weird and wonderful.

And so my friends, Trixy Pix was born: a magical realm where I transform the everyday into miniature works of art, ready to add a little sparkle to your life. 🌟


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